Jefferson County Public Library
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Board of Trustees
The Jefferson County Public Library Board of Trustees will meet on February 13, 2025, at 4 PM Eastern. Anyone who wants to be added to the agenda must email at least 48 hours before the meeting.
The Jefferson County Public Library Board of Trustees is composed of seven citizens who are residents of the library district. The trustees serve without pay and may serve four consecutive terms of four years each. The appointing authorities are:
Jefferson County Council: 2 appointments
Jefferson County Commissioners: 2 appointments
Madison Consolidated Schools: 2 appointments
Southwestern Schools: 1 appointment
The Library Board of Trustees establishes policies for the operation of the library district for which it is to provide services.
Board Members
Terry Phillips - President
Appointing Body: Jefferson County Commissioners
Term 3 Expires: 6/30/2026
Kelly Joyce - Vice President
Appointing Body: Madison Consolidated Schools
Term 3 Expires: 6/30/2028
Mary Kay Butler - Secretary
Appointing Body: Madison Consolidated Schools
Term 2 Expires: 6/30/2026
Sally Wurtz
Appointing Body: Jefferson County Council
Term 4 Expires: 6/30/2027
Kathy Rosenberg
Appointing Body: Jefferson County Council
Term 4 Expires: 6/30/2028
Kathy Crafton
Appointing Body: Jefferson County Commissioners
Term 2 Expires: 6/30/2028
Robyn Ryle
Appointing Body: Southwestern Schools
Term 2 Expires: 6/30/2026
The Board meets the second Thursday of each month at 4:00 pm in the auditorium at the Madison library. They welcome thoughtful comments from the community. If you'd like to speak at a Board meeting, please see the RULES.
Meeting Minutes
December 2024
Approved 1/9/25
Jefferson County Public Library Board of Trustees
420 W. Main St., Madison, IN 47250
December 12, 2024
Present: Terry Phillips, President; Kelly Joyce, Vice-President; Mary Kay Butler, Secretary; Joy Culp, Treasurer; Sally Wurtz, Board Member; Kathy Crafton, Board Member; Judi Terpening, Director; Jess McAlister, Assistant Director.
Not Present: Kathy Rosenberg, Robyn Ryle.
President Phillips opened the meeting at 4:03 P.M. Wurtz made a motion to approve the agenda. Butler seconded. Motion carried.
Public Hearing for Internet & Computer Use Policy: No members of the public were present.
Butler made a motion to approve the Internet and Computer Use Policy as amended. Joyce seconded Motion carried.
Joyce made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from November 14, 2024 and the regular meeting and executive session minutes from July 11, 2024. Wurtz seconded. Motion carried. September 12, 2024 minutes were tabled until January because there was not a quorum of members present that attended that meeting.
Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Claims
November 15 through December 12, 2024
Operating Fund expenditures were $129,578.93. Expenditures from all funds were $147,544.35. Operating Fund receipts were $2,130.23. Receipts to all funds were $19,386.24. Balance in the Operating Fund as of December 12, 2024 was $912,289.23. Total bank balance was $1,562,810.75.
There was 1 check over $6,000:
$11,276.60 to Jefferson County Treasurer for health insurance premiums.
The following transfers were made within the Operating Fund:
$1,500.00 from 1.13 Part Time to 1.11 Librarian Salary.
$250.00 from 1.13 Part Time to 1.14 Treasurer.
$700.00 from 2.21 Cleaning & Sanitation Supplies to 2.13 Other Office Supplies.
$500.00 from 3.142 Programming: Children's to 3.149 Teen Programming.
$4,500.00 from 3.146 Ebook Services to 3.148 Public Databases.
$700.00 from 3.99 Tuition Reimbursement to 3.97 Online Charges; OCLC Title Source.
Crafton made a motion to approve payment of claims for $147,544.35. Wurtz seconded. Motion carried.
Director Terpening’s report
Adult Programming
November Events: 21 - Attendance: 300
Programs and Attendance
Cartooning and Caricature Drawing had 12 attendees in 4 classes.
Watercolor Class had 27 attendees in 3 classes.
La Leche League had 18 attendees.
Second Saturday Stitchers had 6 attendees.
Archeology in Jefferson County: From the Hunting Grounds to the College Campus with Dr. Sean O'Neill had 20 attendees.
Microbes Under the Microscope had 3 attendees.
From Pumpkin to Frost Craft had 30 attendees in 2 sessions.
Red Cross Blood Drive had 52 attendees.
Caroling with Santa had 110 attendees.
Hanover Book Group read "The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer. There were 10 attendees.
Hope Community had 5 attendees for Nutcracker Craft.
Virtual Author Talk Series:
A Navajo Investigator's Search for the Unexplained: Stanley Milford, Jr. had 5 live views and 77 November views.
Native Rights and Culture in Fiction; A Conversation with Mona Susan Power had no live views but had 29 October views.
On Childhood Migration from Central America; In Conversation with Javier Zamora had 2 live views and 61 November views. The same talk in Spanish had 11 November views.
25 Meetings with 121 attendees.
17 deliveries and circulated 124 items.
Children’s & Young Adult: 10 Total Programs with 213 attendees
Children’s In-House Programs
Mother Goose on the Loose had 26 attendees in 2 sessions.
Story Time at Hanover had 28 attendees in 3 sessions.
Children (all ages)
Lego Club had 30 attendees.
Fidget Crafts had 17 attendees.
Mystery Reading Buddies had 47 attendees.
Young Adult
Holiday Wreath Craft had 29 attendees.
Children’s Outreach Programs
Story Line had 36 calls.
Find Tom Turkey had 189 participants at Madison and Hanover combined.
Social Media/Circulation Statistics
Website had 4,851 visits.
Local History website had 2,760 visits.
Monthly newsletter went out to 4,789 recipients.
Facebook followers 3,820. Top post by engagement was Reading to Dogs Photos.
Total Instagram followers 810. Top post by engagement was Caroling with Santa.
FAQ was added to the website and had 15 views.
Circulations in November were 14,875, up about 1,300 compared to October 2023.
There were 57 new library card registrations.
Visits to the Library in November were 6,400, about 100 more than last November.
Computer usage was 674. Wireless usage was 1,302.
Staff and Volunteers
Motsinger will present a session on dramatic play at the Youth Services Conference in March. 0 Poling and other staff members organized the Staff Holiday Party on December 7.
Performance evaluations are almost all completed.
Six staff members attended the ILF Conference in November.
Terpening attended the Director's Roundtable at Brown County PL.
Ongoing and Upcoming Events
Winter Reading for all ages will begin January 2 and go through February.
Gingerbread House Contest public voting will be next week.
Thirteen people, made up of staff members, family and friends, represented the Library in the Very Merry Madison Christmas Parade.
Caroling with Santa was on November 29 and was featured in the Madison Courier.
Friends of the Library
FOL will host a Holiday Book Sale on December 14 from 10am - 4pm in the auditorium.
Phone upgrade is complete.
Hanover HVAC work is complete.
Elevator repair is complete.
Terpening signed the ENA agreement for 2025-26.
Received the quarterly report from the Community Foundation and a thank you from Bill Barnes. Endowed assets experienced growth of 6.79% in the third quarter and 11.72% for the year.
Received a thank you note from Madison Parks and Recreation for the Library's participation in the Harvest Festival.
Received an anonymous note of appreciation, signed "Active Participants of Your Crafting Groups." Bowman and McAlister, who organize many outreach craft programs, were specifically mentioned.
Continuing Business - None
New Business
The Meeting Space Policy was discussed and tabled until the January meeting.
Crafton made a motion to approve the Capital Assets Policy with no changes. Butler seconded. Motion carried.
Annual Board of Finance meeting was set for 3:30 P.M. on January 9, 2025.
Terpening is meeting with the MCLS consultant next week about forming a Strategic Plan Committee. It will consist of 2-3 Board members, 1-2 members of FOL and the rest staff members. Meetings will be held from January to May. More details will be available after meeting with the consultant.
Motion to adjourn by Crafton at 4:42 P.M. Joyce seconded. Meeting adjourned.