Jefferson County Public Library
Meeting Minutes
September 2024
Approved 1/9/25
Jefferson County Public Library Board of Trustees
420 W. Main St., Madison, IN 47250
September 12, 2024
Present: Kelly Joyce, Vice-President; Joy Culp, Treasurer; Sally Wurtz, Board Member; Kathy Crafton, Board Member; Robyn Ryle, Board Member; Judi Terpening, Director; Jess McAlister, Assistant Director.
Not Present: Terry Phillips, Mary Kay Butler, Kathy Rosenberg.
Vice-President Joyce opened the meeting at 4:05 P.M. Wurtz made a motion to approve the agenda. Butler seconded. Motion carried.
July 11 and August 8, 2024 minutes were tabled until September because there was not a quorum of members present that attended those meetings.
Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Claims
August 9 through September 12, 2024
Operating Fund expenditures were $181,882.60. Expenditures from all funds were $206,974.63. Operating Fund receipts were $3,370.45. Receipts to all funds were $27,695.08. Balance in the Operating Fund as of September 12, 2024 was $1,294,943.03. Total bank balance was $1,924,911.07.
There were 3 checks over $6,000:
$11,170.46 to Jefferson County Treasurer for health insurance premiums.
$6,107.93 to Duke Energy for electric on 3 buildings.
$13,273.68 to AVC Technology; $11,267.54 for Cat 2 upgrade and $2,006.14 for monthly service agreement.
The following transfers were made within the Operating Fund:
$300.00 from 2.13 Other Office Supplies to 2.11 Official Records.
$300.00 from 2.13 Other Office Supplies to 2.12 Stationary & Printing.
$9,000.00 from 3.23 Traveling Expense to 3.141 Programming: Adult.
Crafton made a motion to approve payment of claims in the amount of $206,974.63. Ryle seconded. Motion carried.
Director Terpening’s report
August Adult Programming
16 events with 166 attendees.
Online Drawing & Painting Class had 11 attendees in 5 classes.
Introduction to Watercolor Class had 22 attendees in 3 classes.
La Leche League had 18 attendees.
Second Saturday Stitchers had 7 attendees.
Soil Food Web had 9 attendees.
DIY Crafts had 35 attendees in 2 sessions.
Red Cross Blood Drive had 48 attendees.
Hanover Book Group read "Mad Honey" by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan. There were 12 attendees.
Hope Community had 4 attendees for DIY Natural Hand Soap.
21 Meetings with 126 attendees.
22 deliveries and circulated 110 items.
Children’s & Young Adult: 5 Total Programs with 89 attendees
Children’s In-House Programs (all ages)
Reading to Dogs had 28 attendees.
Lego Club had 9 attendees.
Tree ID Walk had 6 attendees.
Children’s Outreach Programs
Farmer's Market Ice Cream Craft had 19 attendees (63 people stopped by).
Story Line had 27 calls.
Social Media/Circulation Statistics
Website had 2,906 visits, down 7%.
Local History website had 1,357 visits, up 1%.
Monthly newsletter went out to 4,623 recipients.
Facebook engagements were 2,338, up 54%. Top post by engagement was Smokey the Bear Staff Photo. Top post by reach was the Summer Reading Winners.
Instagram had 11 new followers, up 83.3%. Top post by engagement and reach was Smokey the Bear.
YouTube views were 106, down 7%.
Niche Academy had 34 views. Top tutorial by views was Rosetta Stone.
Circulations in July were 15,889, down a little compared to July 2023.
There were 96 new library card registrations.
Visits to the Library in August were 6,776.
Computer usage was 650. Wireless usage was 2,215.
Staff and Volunteers
Staff Development Day was August 12.
Shirley Jackson's 10 year and Rebecca Taflinger's 15 year anniversaries were celebrated.
A representative from the State Library came to do customer service and conflict resolution training.
Westmoreland painted the Library's Ribberfest pig as Smokey the Bear in honor of Smokey's 80th birthday.
Terpening attended the Regional Director's Roundtable.
Knoll has uploaded all of the Madison Couriers that are not available on microfilm, from 2019-present. They will be uploaded to the website soon.
Ongoing and Upcoming Events
Library Speakers Consortium is currently available only to staff for a trial period, then will be available to the public October 1.
September is Library Card Sign-up Month and the Library is giving away swag bags to all ages who register for a library card. Up to 50 free prints are also available to new library card holders during the month of September.
Local DAR is hosting America 250 Genealogy Workshop at the Library on September 21.
SPARK for German Kids' Class, in partnership with a Hanover College student and professor, is September 7 to November 16. The class is for 2nd to 4th graders.
History of Coins, the second program presented by Carl Moore, is on September 17. The first program was on ancient coins and this one will be on U.S. coins.
Hughes will be attending the Partnership for Affordable Housing vendor fair on September 27.
Hughes and McAlister were at Hanover College on August 29 helping students sign up for Library cards.
Children's Department staff members Motsinger and Westmoreland will set up at the Hispanic Cultural Day Festival on September 21. Motsinger and Rike will be doing the Healthy Tailgate Party and Rike will set up at the Farmer's Market.
Friends of the Library
Pop-up Sidewalk Sales summer total was $1,400. The Annual Fall Book Sale will be September 27 & 28 from 10am-5pm and September 29 from 10am - 4pm.
KrM architect submitted preliminary plans. He and Terpening will meet virtually on September 19 and he will do another site visit in October. Staff was sent the plans and asked for questions and comments.
Received a letter from Metronet stating that our current phones are outdated and will need to be replaced soon. There will be no charge for the upgrade.
Category 2 grant upgrade has been completed.
Library will be transitioning from T-Mobile to Kajeet hot spots by December. Kajeet is a new program that ENA started. They are less expensive, come with cases and have other advantages.
Friends of the Library
See Director’s report.
Received the Community Foundation report. Endowed assets increased 4.62% for quarter 2 and were up 7.78% through August 16.
La Casa Amiga sent a letter thanking the Library for working with them this summer.
Received a thank you note from Kathy Rosenberg for the flowers that were recently sent to her.
Continuing Business - None
New Business
Wurtz made a motion to approve the Confidentiality of Records Policy as amended. Ryle seconded. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn by Crafton at 4:49 P.M. Ryle seconded. Meeting adjourned.