Jefferson County Public Library
Meeting Minutes
November 2024
Approved 12/12/24
Jefferson County Public Library Board of Trustees
420 W. Main St., Madison, IN 47250
November 14, 2024
Present: Terry Phillips, President; Kelly Joyce, Vice-President; Mary Kay Butler, Secretary; Joy Culp, Treasurer; Sally Wurtz, Board Member; Robyn Ryle, Board Member; Judi Terpening, Director; Jess McAlister, Assistant Director; Ann Inman, Staff Member; Holly Poling, Staff Member; Kevin Montgomery, Architect.
Not Present: Kathy Rosenberg, Kathy Crafton.
President Phillips opened the meeting at 3:07 P.M. Kevin Montgomery of KrM Architecture gave a presentation of a proposed site plan for redesigning the Main Library building.
Wurtz made a motion to approve the agenda. Butler seconded. Motion carried.
Joyce made a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from October 10, 2024. Wurtz seconded. Motion carried. July 11 and September 12, 2024 minutes were tabled until December because there was not a quorum of members present that attended those meetings.
Treasurer’s Report & Approval of Claims
October 11 through November 14, 2024
Operating Fund expenditures were $137,522.79. Expenditures from all funds were $155,147.92. Operating Fund receipts were $4,788.80. Receipts to all funds were $29,196.48. Balance in the Operating Fund as of November 14, 2024 was $1,039,737.93. Total bank balance was $1,690,968.86.
There was 1 check over $6,000:
$11,170.46 to Jefferson County Treasurer for health insurance premiums.
There was a transfer within the Operating Fund of $6,000.00 from 3.23 Traveling Expense to 3.148 Public Databases.
Butler made a motion to approve payment of claims for $155,147.92. Joyce seconded. Motion carried.
Director Terpening’s report
October Adult Programming
Programs and Attendance
Events: 20 Attendance: 192
A Journey into the Hidden Worlds of Tropical Bats: Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: 2
Fabric Ghosts: 20
5 x Introduction to Watercolor: 25
2 x Potion Bottle Necklaces: 35
Liberating Latin American Genre Fiction: Silvia Moreno-Garcia: 0
La Leche League: 18
Regenerative Land Management: 4
Red Cross Blood Drive: 0
Author Talk Kamra Smith, "The Apple Book": 7
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: Examining the Truths and Fictions We Tell Ourselves: Lori Gottlibeb: 0
2 x Sorting Hat Candles: 24
Hanover Book Group~ "The Starling House" by Alix E Harrow: 14
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre: 39
Hope Community Pumpkin/Snowman Decor: 4
19 Meetings with 106 attendees.
8 deliveries and circulated 68 items.
Children’s & Young Adult: 14 Total Programs with 830 attendees
Children’s In-House Programs
Mother Goose on the Loose had 23 attendees in 2 sessions.
Story Time at Hanover had 17 attendees in 2 sessions.
Children (all ages)
SPARK for German had 3 attendees.
Lego Club had 14 attendees.
Pumpkin Sand Art had 37.
Magic Arts had 32 attendees.
Tree ID Walk had 12 attendees.
Reading to Dogs had 37 attendees.
Family Programs
All Ages Pumpkin Decorating had 37 attendees.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest had 35 participants (19 Youth, 3 Teens, 13 Adults). 571 votes were cast.
Children’s Outreach Programs
City of Madison Harvest Festival had 550 attendees.
Find the Ghost had 211 participants at Madison and Hanover combined.
Madison Library had 102 Trick-or-Treaters.
Social Media/Circulation Statistics
Website had 3,360 visits. Top page was the job posting.
Local History website had 1,402 visits. Top page views were the MCHS/Yearbooks.
Monthly newsletter went out to 4,747 recipients.
Facebook followers 3,807. Top post by engagement was the Magic Arts Photos. Top post by reach was the job posting.
Total Instagram followers 805. Top post by engagement was the Red Cross Blood Drive.
YouTube had 108 views.
Circulations in October were 16,141, up about 1,500 compared to October 2023.
There were 98 new library card registrations.
Visits to the Library in September were 7,200.
Computer usage was 744. Wireless usage was 2,620.
Staff and Volunteers
Corrisa Butters was hired as the new part-time Library Assistant. She was a volunteer at the Library while in high school and a summer intern in 2023. Most of her hours will be at the Hanover Branch.
Outreach Coordinator Bowman attended the ABOS Conference in Indianapolis.
MCHS Freshmen volunteered for a few hours at the Madison Library. They helped FOL in the annex with donations and later helped shift books in the basement.
Terpening will be doing annual performance evaluations in November and December.
Staff Christmas Party will be on December 7.
Ongoing and Upcoming Events
Caroling with Santa will be on November 29.
Several Holiday crafts are planned for November and December.
Virtual Author Talks, from the Library Speakers Consortium are being accessed frequently by patrons.
Silver Ceramics Program, in partnership with Cara at Little Golden Fox, is set to begin in January 2025.
Children's Department attended the Madison Fall Festival and had a good turnout.
The Library's Storywalk at Clifty Park was mentioned on "IN the Parks" podcast. New storyboards will go up soon. The new title will be "Old Rock is Not Boring."
The State Historic Preservation Conference went well. One session was hosted at the Library.
Several staff members represented the Library in the Christmas Parade again this year.
Friends of the Library
FOL will host a Holiday Book Sale on December 14.
Phone upgrades will take place on November 20. All of the current phones will be replaced.
Terpening got a second quote for installing a new heat pump at the Hanover Branch. After comparing the two quotes, Dunlap was chosen to do the work.
Technology/Services was available for half price and the Library purchased a subscription. Patrons can use it for free in the building and with their library card at home.
An older staff computer was replaced in the Children's room.
Correspondence - None
Continuing Business
Joyce made a motion to give staff members a 3.5% raise, or 4% if receiving a merit raise, in 2025. Phillips seconded. A vote was taken after discussion. There were 2 ayes and 3 nays. Butler made a motion to give staff members a 4% raise, or 5% if receiving a merit raise, in 2025. Ryle seconded. Motion carried with 3 ayes and 2 nays.
New Business
The Long Range Plan that ends this year was reviewed and discussed to determine what has been accomplished. The only thing that has not been done is the ramp and it is part of the architect's designs for the new building renovation.
Motion to adjourn by Butler at 4:45 P.M. Ryle seconded. Meeting adjourned.