Jefferson County Public Library
About > About the Library > Library Policies > Behavior Policy
Behavior Policy
November 2023
To ensure that all people can use the Jefferson County Public Library in a comfortable and safe environment, the Library reserves the right to determine what it considers to be disruptive or inappropriate behavior. Furthermore, in order to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the Library, anyone using the library's facilities or services must comply with this Patron Behavior Policy while on library premises. "Patron" is defined as anyone using the Library.
No one may engage in inappropriate conduct on the premises of Jefferson County Public Library, when using library facilities, or when participating in library programs. Patrons shall be engaged in normal activities associated with the use of a public library while in the building.
Inappropriate conduct includes any individual or group activity which is unreasonably disturbing to other individuals lawfully using library facilities, materials, services, premises, or is otherwise inconsistent with activities such as reading, studying, properly using library materials, and other similar conduct normally associated with a public library.
Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to:
Committing or attempting to commit any activity that would constitute a crime under local, state, or federal laws
Harassment or threatening/abusive behavior
Using library property in a manner that may cause injury or damage
Carrying a weapon or facsimile of a weapon, except as permitted by federal or state law
Engaging in sexual contact, activities, or conduct
Displaying unwanted attention toward another person
Possessing, consuming, exchanging, selling, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
Tobacco use
Exhibiting a pervasive odor that unreasonably interferes with others' use of the Library
Failing to wear shoes and clothing that substantially covers the torso and pelvic regions
Using public restrooms in any manner that is not usual or customary, including laundering or bathing
Soliciting, petitioning, or selling merchandise or services
Entering library premises with animals other than service animals authorized by law
Making loud or unreasonable noise, including but not limited to, the use of electronic equipment, mobile phones, and personal conversations
Eating, except while attending library programs where food is provided; Small snacks for children under age 5 are permissible in designated areas in the Children's Room.
Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted as long as the container is covered with a lid and at least six feet away from library computers
Entering staff only areas without permission
Interfering with the staff's performance of duties or refusal to follow reasonable direction from staff
Unattended Children
The Library encourages children of all ages to visit the Library and hopes that they will find it a warm, inviting place. The happiness and safety of children is important to the Library. Therefore, the following guidelines are established:
Children ages birth through age 6 must be in the immediate presence of a parent/caregiver.
The parent/caregiver of children ages 7 through age 11 must be in the library building at all times.
Children ages 12 through 18 may be unsupervised and, like all patrons, must follow the Patron Behavior Policy.
Please be aware that the Library is a public building and that staff cannot assume responsibility for unattended children.
Any child under the age of 12 remaining on library property more than 15 minutes after closing is considered an "abandoned child" and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department will be notified.
Those persons who violate these rules may be asked to leave the Library, and when appropriate, be subject to temporary or permanent banning from library premises by the Library Director. Banned persons may appeal the Director's decision to the Library Board.
Illegal activity will be reported to law enforcement.