Borrow Policy — Jefferson County Public Library

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Borrower Services Policy

April 2023

The Jefferson County Public Library is a shared resource for anyone who visits the Library. This policy sets the procedures for obtaining a library card and borrowing materials. The Library is a member of Evergreen Indiana and, therefore, abides by the policies set by the Evergreen Indiana consortium found here

This policy is not meant to be obstructive but rather to provide for the reasonable care of library resources.

Library Accounts

In order to borrow from the Library, a patron must have a valid Evergreen Indiana library account. A digital replica of the library card is also an appropriate form of identification for a patron to check out materials. Library cards are non-transferable.

To obtain a library account at the Jefferson County Public Library, one of the following must apply:

1. RESIDENT CARD. An adult who resides or owns property in Jefferson County, Indiana. This account is valid for two years. Acceptable proof includes:

a. valid government issued photo ID with current address (hereafter: photo ID)

b. photo ID with previous address and one of the following:

i. computer generated bank statement issued in applicant’s name within the last 30 days

ii. computer generated utility, credit card company, doctor or hospital bill, issued in applicant’s name within the last 30 days and containing address of residence

iii. Medicaid or Medicare benefit statement issued in the applicant’s name within the last 30 days

iv. Change-of-address confirmation from the United States Postal Service showing prior and current address of residence (a P.O. Box is not acceptable as a residence address)

v. apartment lease signed within the last 30 days

vi. property tax receipt issued in applicant’s name

vii. other items may be accepted at the discretion of a Library supervisor

2. RESIDENT OR RESIDENT LIMITED ACCESS CARD. A minor from 5 to 17 years old residing in Jefferson County with a sponsoring adult.

a. Emancipated minors will be asked to present evidence of their status to void the necessity of the presence of a sponsoring adult.

b. A sponsoring adult accepts responsibility for all fees, fines, and payment for late, lost, or damaged materials charged on such minor’s library card. Contact addresses should be obtained for both the minor and the sponsoring adult. The sponsoring adult’s address will be used for mailed communications. In the case that the sponsoring adult is a non resident of the library district, libraries shall issue a “Student” profile card to the minor until the minor’s address can be verified.

c. The minor child must be present during the registration process.

d. Registering a minor child for a library card denotes an acknowledgement and understanding that the Library owns and circulates videos, DVDs and unrated television series that may be geared toward a more mature audience and that a minor child will have access to materials for both adults and children and will be able to check out any of these materials. A “limited access” card, which prevents the user from checking out “R-rated” and “M-rated” audiovisual materials, is available for minors.

3. RECIPROCAL BORROWER OR RECIPROCAL BORROWER LIMITED ACCESS CARD. A patron with a library card in good standing from a library on the Statewide Reciprocal Borrowing Covenant Libraries list: This account is valid for one year. Photo ID is required.

4. STUDENT CARD. Students and faculty who are not residents but attend or work at colleges or K-12 schools in Jefferson County. This account requires a current college or school ID, and is valid for one year.

5. NONRESIDENT OR PLAC CARD. An Indiana resident whose home library is not on the Reciprocal Borrowing Covenant may purchase a PLAC ( for $65 or a NonResident account for $45. PLAC cards may be used at any Indiana public library. NonResident cards are only valid at the issuing library. These accounts are valid for one year. Photo ID is required.

6. NONRESIDENT CARD. An out-of-state adult resident may purchase a NonResident card for $45. A sponsoring adult may purchase a NonResident account for an out-of-state minor from 5 to 17 years. These accounts are valid for one year. Photo ID is required.

7. TRANSITIONAL CARD. An adult who is temporarily living in the county or is living in a Jefferson County halfway house may apply for a Transitional account. This account is valid for three months and is limited to three items checked out at once. Photo ID and a Transitional Patron Sponsor Form is required.

8. JUNIOR OR JUNIOR LIMITED ACCESS CARD. An Indiana resident under the age of 18 who attends a K-12 school located within Jefferson County and who is not able to secure an adult sponsor to cover their fiscal liabilities may apply for a Junior Limited Access account. Student ID required. This account is valid for one year and is limited to three items checked out at once.

Library accounts are valid for a specific time period as stated above. After an account expires, Jefferson County residents may reactivate their account in person or over the phone at no cost; sponsoring adults may reactivate their minor’s account. All other account types may be required to reapply for an account.

Lost or Forgotten Cards

If a patron loses their library card, they should notify the Library as soon as possible and request a replacement. The cost of a replacement card is $2.00.

All patrons are expected to bring their library cards with them if they intend to check out items. On a case-by-case basis, photo ID may be used in place of the library card. Only Jefferson County card-holders may use photo ID in this manner, and only when library staff can confirm their identity through comparison of photo ID and library account (address, birthday, etc.).

A patron who repeatedly fails to present a library card may be denied borrower privileges until they present their library card or purchase a replacement.

Loan Periods

  • Books and audiobooks circulate for three weeks with two renewals.

  • Music CDs circulate for three weeks with one renewal.

  • Periodicals circulate for one week with one renewal.

  • Materials borrowed through Interlibrary Loan are checked out for two weeks with no renewals.

  • Movies circulate for one week with one renewal. There is a limit of 10 Movies per account.

    • The sponsoring adult, who is responsible for a minor’s library account, may choose to restrict the minor from borrowing R-Rated Movies

  • Tablets and equipment circulate for one week with no renewals.

  • Videogames circulate for one week with one renewal.

  • Mobile hotspots circulate for one week with one renewal. Borrowing privileges will be suspended for two months if hotspots are returned late three times within a 12-month period.

  • Reference books, pamphlets, newspapers, genealogy, and the Indiana Collection do not circulate.

Patrons may have up to 100 items checked out on their accounts at one time. Library supervisors may override circulation limits at their discretion. Patrons will be denied borrowing privileges and renewals if they have lost items or excessive fines ($10 or greater).

Unless otherwise noted above, all circulating items may be renewed if:

  • The patron has no overdue items.

  • The patron does not have excessive fines and/or fees.

  • Another patron does not have a hold on the item.


Patrons may place holds in person, online at My Account ( or over the phone and will be notified by e-mail, telephone, and/or text message when the item is available. Items on hold must be picked up within ten business days.

Fines and Fees

The Jefferson County Public Library does not charge overdue fines. If an item is not returned within 28 days, it will be considered “lost,” and an invoice will be sent for the replacement cost of the item plus a processing fee. Other Evergreen Indiana libraries may charge overdue fines.

Damaged Materials

If an item is damaged beyond further use, the patron is liable and must pay for the replacement or repair/restoration and processing fee.

Use of Material-Recovery Service

The Library may elect to use the services of a material-recovery service to retrieve items or totaling $50 or more.

Library Records Maintenance

Accounts that have been inactive for three years after their expiration will be deleted.


As specified in the Indiana Code 5-14-3-4(b) (16), the Jefferson County Public Library shall not release any patron records without an order of the court or an order from a grand jury. In addition, according to the USA Patriot Act (H.R. 3162 passed on October 25, 2001), the library must not divulge that this order was received or that records were produced pursuant to the order.